Jun 14, 2011

Stuffed Peppers from leftovers

I had a lot of leftover items that were getting close to their peak in the fridge so I decided to use them all up on stuffed peppers.
They ended up being delicious, and for having no recipe and never making them before I am pretty happy with the result! and I am also really happy I have one leftover for lunch.

I started with leftover burrito rice that didn't really have enough flavor for burritos but I didn't want to go to waste. Had some parsley and chopped that up, and also tossed in some extra black beans that were also leftover from burrito night.
I also included some onions, fresh garlic, soy meat, and a large amount of parmesan cheese. Also, oregano, basil, red hot chili powder, pepper, and sea salt. (Just a dash of each)

I boiled the peppers for about 5 minutes to get them nice and green,

and then I crammed them full of all the filling.

(Please note, that is not my R&R, my oven currently doesn't work due to a gas leak so I was borrowing a friends kitchen for the meal. Neither rich, nor rare. Yuck.)

Didn't have pasta sauce so I piled on the vodka sauce and added one cup of water and popped them in the over for 20 minutes at 350. Then I put on a nice helping of mozzarella cheese, and put them back in for 25 minutes.

(The final product of course I get the worst photo of.)
Eat, and enjoy!

Edit-- After soaking all night in the extra sauce the leftover pepper was sooo good. I had to microwave it since the oven is broken but I almost like it more the second day!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a dish we ordered in Rio. Your assemblage looks much better and healthier. It does give one great memories of Carnivale.


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